Festival programme: Events in English

programme in english
Programme in English
© 2018 Ad Pepper Media

13.06.2019, Sophie Weber

Nürnberg Digital Festival offers various events in English. So our  international guests can explore the facets of digitalization – whether it’s in economy, technology, education or culture. A special highlight is the #nuedigital Opening Night where you can witness great speakers and exciting topics.

Nürnberg Digital Festival - Opening Night

Opening Night Grafik
Opening Night
© 2019 Nürnberg Digital Festival

07/12/19, 7–10 pm, Kulturzentrum Z-Bau

Brilliant, shiny and great – the opening of the Nürnberg Digital Festival at  Z-Bau!
Language: German / English

Immersive podcasts – added value or just gadgets?

07/15/19, 3–7 pm, Dolby Germany GmbH

During this workshop you will produce podcasts using modern, binaural audio technology to explore and evaluate their benefits and limitations for the podcast medium.
Language: German / English

Paul Biessmann live
Paul Biessmann live
© 2019 Sebastian Richter

Ancud Afterwork.Paul Biermann: Piano.Digital.Art

07/16/19, 7–8 pm, Ancud IT-Beratung GmbH

Talk with digital experts or explore job opportunities - Experience the spirit of Ancud!Piano.Digital Art. - Cocktail Bar – Meeting People+++ Piano music with digital live art +++
Language: German / English


Friday 07/12/19
4–7 pm
Work & Gamification

Gamification – the transfer of game elements to non-gaming contexts – opens up completely new perspectives for working models of the future. But (how) can we playfully think about work?
Language: German / English

Friday 07/12–Monday 07/22
Various times. More information at: ex-teppich.de

An ex-carpet store right in the center of Erlangen is going to be a lively experimentation room at the interface between the digital world and the reality of human life.
Language: German / English

Monday 07/15/19
10–11 am
Coworking Space Nürnberg
Usability in a nutshell

A brief history and definition of user experience and usability
Language: German / English

2–8 pm
Bayern Innovativ GmbH
Un-bullshitting blockchain for production machines

In this 2-track challenge, you will have to find a way to make (1) steel processing machinery or (2) a software layer to accept only authenticated data and control commands.
Language: German / English

6:30–8:30 pm
F(ai)l? Human experiences with AI.

This IxDA event is all about different scenarios and experiences with AI that led to glitches, fails or redirections.
Language: German / English

8–11.15 pm
Künstlerhaus im KunstKulturQuartier
Instant composition x trouble in paradise

An improvisation format in which contemporary dancers, electronic musicians and VJ artists work together, for each other, against each other, to create movement and sound images.
Language: German / English

Monday 07/15–Friday 07/19
9 am–6 pm
Open Desk Days by Coworking Nürnberg

Participants of the Nürnberg Digital Festival are invited to explore space! It's for free!
Language: German / English

Monday 07/15–Saturday 07/20
6–9 pm
Ancud IT-Beratung GmbH
#nuedigital Biergarten & digital.arts by Ancud

Talk with digital experts or explore job opportunities – Experience the spirit of Ancud!Beer Gardening – Art Exhibition – Lounge Music – Meeting People+++
Language: German / English

Monday 07/15–Friday 07/19
7:30–10:30 pm
Nürnberger Hackspace K4CG

We cultivate a creative approach to technology and are open to everyone who wants to talk about it, drink beer or club mate with nerds.
Language: German / English

Tuesday 07/16/19

9:30 am–2 pm
Coworking Space Nürnberg
Play getKanban!

The getKanban board game was designed to understand the concepts and mechanics behind Kanban. It's like real life, challenging and fun to play.
Language: German / English

6:30–9:30 pm
Tradebyte Software GmbH
#036/DEV/NIGHT – Nürnberg Digital Festival Special

Special of the monthly /dev/night, a meetup for developers, system operators and tech-interested people of all kinds in Ansbach.
Language: English

7:30–9:15 pm
Casablanca Filmkunsttheater
Agenda 21 Kino Special: Welcome to Sodom

Sodom – Your smartphone is already here
It’s a visually stunning epic of people who live and work in the most adverse circumstances on the electronic waste dump in Agbogbloshie, Ghana.
Language: German / English

Wednesday 07/17/19

10 am–12 pm
Coworking Space Nürnberg
UI Design Workshop

Who loves prototyping will worship Figma! Next to Sketch and Adobe XD, it is currently one of the most promising digital tools for quickly evaluating user guidance.
Language: German / English

1.30–5 pm
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg – Keßlerplatz
Open Lab – Digital Learning

Open Learning Lab for everyone with short inputs and the opportunity to  exchange ideas and network
Language: German / English

2.30–3.30 pm
Living Agility at Gfk’s Tech Department

How do data scientists and software engineers work and collaborate at GfK – including a guided office tour.
Language: German / English

6–8 pm
Admiral Filmpalast
Join the crowd revolution!

Join the Crowd Revolution! Karen Tamrazyan, founder of Freeware Lovers, performs about development and sales of crowd based business models – now and in future (presentation and workshop).
Language: English

6.30–8.15 pm
Design Offices Nürnberg City
Git a look under the hood

Using git on a daily basis requires a deep understanding of its internal mechanics. Thus, we'll take a closer look at the system and navigate through its little quirks and weird behaviors.
Language: English

Thursday 07/18/19

8.30 am–5 pm
Business design – toolbox conference

Learn how to get started with your idea, prototype or team within minutes. Get insights into Hands-on IT tools from experts all along the business design process.
Language: German / English

7–10 pm
Awesome Foundation Nürnberg Award Ceremony

The Awesome Foundation is a global community advancing the interest of awesomeness in the universe, $1000 at a time.
Language: German / English

7–8 pm
Ancud IT-Beratung GmbH
Ancud Afterwork.Magic Meru: Handmade E-Music.

Talk with digital experts or explore go job opportunities - Experience the spirit of Ancud!Handmade e-music - Cocktail Bar - Meeting People+++ electronic underground by verydeeprecords +++
Language: German / English

Friday 07/19/19

10 pm–1 am
Staatstheater Nürnberg
Nachtetage: Session+X R-R-R-Obot Revolution

On the night floor: Session + X we play – spontaneous and always open to the magic of the moment. And because it’s Nürnberg Digital Festival, it’s going to be electronic, electric, digital, binary and automatic.
Language: German / English

Saturday 07/20/19

10 am–12 pm
Flughafen (Luftamtgebäude)
Ekids – Introduction to coding for kids

In this two hour session we will introduce you to coding in a creative way using the programming language Scratch. For children at the age of 10-15.
Language: English

11 am–10 pm
Haus des Spiels
HTS smash – summer special with Haus des Spiels

Super Smash bros Tournament in summer special: Stream, gaming, bar and good mood included!
Language: German / English

3–6 pm
Ancud IT-Beratung GmbH
Ancud Alleycat: #nue goes on bikes!!!

Join in our SmartCity Challenge - Explore the spirit of Ancud! Biking – treasure hunt – IoT Live Tracking +++ Data generation to improve the cycling infrastructure in Nuremberg
Language: German / English

Sunday 07/21/19

5–7 pm
Casablanca Filmkunsttheater
Lo And Behold – What does the internet dream about?

Director Werner Herzog tells the story of the digital world.
Language: English

Sophie Weber

Studentin | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Theater- und Medienwissenschaft/Soziologie

Further articles from the #nuedigital 2019 series