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16.07.2021 | 11:00–12:00 Uhr | virtuell
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The benefits of an accessible website with a practical example

nexum AG



für das interessierte Fachpublikum

Accessible websites allow a wide range of people to consume and interact with the content on them. But despite many resources, tools and people actively pushing the issue, this topic is only a minor aspect in the tech industry.

The reasons for this are as numerous as they are varied. I myself attended a coding bootcamp and only realized in retrospect that I would have been better off putting the basics into practice if I had come into contact with the topic earlier.

This talk is not just for developers, but anyone who can identify with the idea that everyone can use websites without limitations. I will illustrate this with two websites that are visually almost identical, but differ greatly in their usability.

The differences will become especially clear if you try to navigate on them only with the keyboard or only with a screen reader. I will also show how to quickly and easily examine a website with selected browser tools.

Die Anmeldefrist für diese Veranstaltung ist leider schon vorbei.
Datum 16.07.2021
Zeit 11:00–12:00 Uhr
Virtuelle Location ClickMeeting: Accessible Websites
Sprache Englisch
Preis kostenlos


1. Introduction

2. What's it about?

3. Exploring & testing

4. Resources

5. Summary


Steve Frenzel

nexum AG

Steve is Junior Frontend Developer at nexum AG and passionated about accessible websites.


Anmeldungen: 0

Zielgruppe: für das interessierte Fachpublikum

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nexum AG