
04.07.2024 | 20:00–21:30 Uhr | Erlangen
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From Palette to Pixel: AI Reimagines 50 Years of Art

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Culture & Digital Society

für alle Interessierten geeignet

Discover the fascinating intersection of art and artificial intelligence at our unique event! Basel artist Hans Furer and Junior Professor Bernhard Egger from FAU have launched an exciting AI experiment. An AI, trained on 50 years of Hans Furer's artistic creation, now presents its own artworks.

We kick off with two enlightening lectures: Sabine Lang, PostDoc in Digital Art History, will introduce you to the history of digital art. Following that, Bernhard Egger will explain the inception of the project and the workings of the underlying AI.

Afterward, we invite you to join us in exploring an exhibition of impressive AI-created artworks. This event is perfect for anyone interested in art, technology, and their convergence.

Come by, be inspired, and engage in discussions with like-minded individuals about the future of art in the digital society. We can't wait to see you there!


Foto: Kurt Fuchs/FAU

Die Anmeldefrist für diese Veranstaltung ist leider schon vorbei.
Datum 04.07.2024
Zeit 20:00–21:30 Uhr
Ort Erlangen
Location Felix-Klein-Gebäude
Sprache Englisch
Preis kostenlos
Mehr Infos zur Veranstaltung


Anmeldungen: 15

Zielgruppe: für alle Interessierten geeignet

Veranstalter:in und dein:e Ansprechpartner:in für das Event

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg