
02.07.2024 | 17:00–18:30 Uhr | Nürnberg
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AI and the Evolution of Art: From Individualism to Collective Creation

Stadtbibliothek im Bildungscampus

Design & UX

für alle Interessierten geeignet

Explore with us how generative AI can reconnect us with our collective artistic heritage. For over 70,000 years, art has served ritualistic, communal, and spiritual purposes. This keynote invites you to rethink the role of AI in artistic creation. Instead of focusing on individual expressions, the emphasis is on shared experiences. We highlight significant turning points in Western art history, from the introduction of artist signatures in ancient Greece to the present day, and discuss how the commercialization of art since the Renaissance has shaped the myth of individual genius. Finally, we draw parallels to other revolutionary technologies like the printing press, which radically changed access to and dissemination of media. Together, we explore how collaboration with AI can reclaim the communal essence of art. An exciting dialogue awaits you, one that will broaden your perspective on art and creativity. Ideal for anyone interested in the transformative power of technology.


Diese Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit der historisch-wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek statt und wird ergänzt durch Dr. Christine Sauer, die jahrhunderte alte Artefakte aus den Schatzkammern der Bibliothek zeigen wird. Auf diesen wird die Produktion von Kunst im Laufe der Zeit dargestellt.


Diese Veranstaltung findet im neu renovierten Zeitungscafé der Stadtbibliothek statt. Dies ist eine Sneak Peak, in das ansonsten noch geschlossene Café!


This event takes place in cooperation with the historical-scientific library and is complemented by Dr. Christine Sauer, who will show centuries-old artifacts from the library's treasure chambers. These will illustrate the production of art over the course of time.

This event will take place in the newly renovated newspaper café of the city library. This is a sneak peak into the otherwise still closed café!

Die Anmeldefrist für diese Veranstaltung ist leider schon vorbei.
Datum 02.07.2024
Zeit 17:00–18:30 Uhr
Ort Nürnberg
Location Stadtbibliothek im Bildungscampus
Sprache Englisch
Preis kostenlos


Mika Johnson

A multimedia artist focused on dream-like narratives, mythos, ritual, and biodiversity, Johnson designs VR installations and directs fiction and documentaries.


Anmeldungen: 22

Zielgruppe: für alle Interessierten geeignet

Zielgruppenbeschreibung: This event takes place in English and can be attended without prior knowledge. Let yourself be surprised by Mika Johnson's inspiring perspectives

Veranstalter:in und dein:e Ansprechpartner:in für das Event

Stadtbibliothek im Bildungscampus